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Article|March 10, 2011 6:51 am

Gastric Disorders : Homeopathy Treatment Articles

: Gastric disorders and Homoeopathy

“The Way To Health Goes Through Your Stomach”, says an age-old saying. There are a lot many complaints centered on our tummy than the other parts of the body. Stomach is a part that cannot sustain far less or far more. Today, in the era of fast foods and junk foods, Homoeopathy should help people to maintain a harmonious balance of the body.

We will consider some of the common gastric problems:

1. Flatulence – means gaseous distention of abdomen. This is not a disease in itself but paves way for many other complaints like pressure feeling in chest, eructations(belching), flatus, unsatisfactory stools and a dull feeling in general. Homoeopathic medicines like Carbo veg, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, China etc. put an end to the daily dosages of purgatives and laxatives.

2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome – It is a complaint that does not denote any abnormality in the investigation reports but the patient complains of varied kinds of stool or alternate diarrhoea and constipation, etc. Many people get diarrhoeic spells just before attending any important function or interview etc. This problem though feels minor, keeps the sufferer worried all throughout his task. This kind of anticipatory anxiety needs medications like Gelsemium, Aloe, Argentum nitricum, Natrum sulf, etc. depending on the individual symptomatology. Thus, the psychological overlay of the physical symptoms is also well handled by the dynamized Homoeopathic medicines. Even the carsickness and the travel sickness with vomiting can be very well tackled by these medicines.

3. Hyperacidity – There may be sour belching, heartburn, vomiting, headache, upper abdominal pain, etc. Many people suffer from these ailments for the lifetime because the medicines they take for counteracting acidity act only temporarily. But Homoeopathic medicines like Natrum mur, Pulsatilla, Robinia, Nux vomica, etc. check the acidic spells and the constitutional medicines like Sepia, Natrum carb, Lycopodium, etc. prevent the recurrence.

4. Constipation- There are 3 types of constipation-
(a) Constipation with hard unsatisfactory stools,
(b) Constipation without urge to pass stools,
(c) Constipation with bleeding per rectum.
For all the 3 types, Homoeopathic medicines like Nux vomica, Bryonia,
Calc.carb, Aloe, Sepia, etc. work wonders when other dietary precautions
are followed as told by the doctor. Even the piles and fissures respond
very quickly to the properly selected Homoeopathic remedies by an
expert hand.

5. Diarrhea and Dysentery – While treating diarrhoeas, it is important to analyze the causative factor in Homoeopathy. The drugs like Ipecac, Chamomilla, Arsenic alba, etc very well manage amoebic diarrhoea or dysentery.
·Diarrhoeas due to change in food and water require drugs like Arsenic alba, Zingiber, Croton tig, Podophyllum, etc.

6. Childhood disorders – (a) Ranging from 3rd month colic of the newborn to frequent, smelly, semisolid stools of infancy, Homoeopathic medicines like Mag phos, Colocynth, Chamomilla, Ipecac, etc. offer a sigh of relief to the worried parents who are fed up of the high doses of antibiotics.
(b) The roundworms, threadworms respond quickly to remedies like Cina, Senna, Calcarea carb, Santonin, Teucrium, etc. without debilitating the immune system. This causes further improvement in the child’s appetite, growth and overall development.
(c) Even the wrong eating habits are checked by certain remedies. Children eating clay, chalk, ash, etc. are treated by medicines like Calc carb, Calc phos, Alumina, Medorrhinum etc. thereby causing improvement in the overall metabolism and proper assimilation of the eaten food.

7. Pregnancy related disorders – Many a times, morning sickness in the first 3-4 months makes the future mothers anxious, restless and intolerant. The harmless Homoeopathic remedies like Ipecac, Arsenicum album, Symphoricarpus, Cocculus, Petroleum etc. bring certain level of comfort. Even in any other disorder of pregnancy, it is safer to administer Homoeopathic medicines than their other counterparts,

So, be Homoeopathy-friendly and master your bodily equilibrium.

Published in Indian Express.

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